November 24, 2011

What Does a Musical Conductor genuinely Do?

Having been a musician for many years both player and conductor, conducting all types of musical groups or ensembles, I have been asked many times by the normal collective "What does a conductor unmistakably do" They just stands there and wave their arms around don't they?... Hmm... 

A "conductor" or, should we give them the title that they truly deserve? ... Musical Director, for that is what they unmistakably are. In a nutshell, they direct the musicians in a manner that they feel the music should be performed, both in tempo (speed), style, mood, and volume. With their direction they pull the music too and fro to give it a sense of character rather than a computerised performance. Some conductors use a baton to direct the players whereas others gesture with their hands and arms. Whichever formula they use its very prominent that they are in complete control. 

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In order that they can be in complete operate they need to be easy to follow. Any mannerisms that they have, their beat, should be clear and precise. The musicians need to feel inevitable that they are following his or her direction as a group. They also may be called upon to instruct inevitable players or groups in rehearsals to get the best out of them in the actual performance. For this surmise they need to know their way around the instruments and the players capabilities and how to get the best from them. It goes without saying of procedure that they need to be a scholar at reading a musical score (a book containing all of the music for each player in the group).

A Musical Director therefore leads and stamps his or her own character in a performance.

What Does a Musical Conductor genuinely Do?

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