November 19, 2011

Crack Addiction - A Harsh Reality

There is nothing pretty about crack cocaine. Crack cocaine use is a growing problem in inner cities and it is captivating to the suburbs. Crack abuse affects society on many levels. The high is intense and the someone high on crack feels up and motivated but it doesn't last long. The viciousness of this addiction sets in soon after the addict runs out of dope or the money to get it.

People who sell crack often sell it to keep their habit. There are people who sell it to make money and do not use it. They are the ones driving luxury cars and living in high rent districts who seem to have no means of work or support. Both types of dealers are predators on society in that they are a vital link to the growing crack problem. They will accept stolen goods as well as money as payment. They stand on road corners, entrances to all night mini marts, and use cell phones to stay linked with their buyers. If they get arrested they are normally back out on the streets selling their wares before the ink gets dry on the guarantee for their arrest.

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The addict normally starts out using occasionally but, they do get out of operate quickly. They exhaust their families savings, max out credit cards, and spend most of their earnings on it rather than paying their bills. I have even heard that people use their food stamps and welfare checks to buy crack. They will also steal from family members, friends and have been known to resort to breaking and entering into businesses and homes to find small valuables that can be either traded for dope or pawned for money to get dope. Once a someone is hooked their life focus becomes how can I get more.

People who use crack are full of shame and fear. They are in a trap that general people just can't understand. Although their behavior may be criminal, we must remember in dealing with people with this problem that they are human and are in pain. They use crack to not feel this pain and shame.

Many families have had costly planned professional interventions for their loved ones only to see them go right back out as soon as they get out of rehab. It is very heart breaking. If you have a minor child that is using this drug I feel as a parent it is critical to try and reach them with rehab and anyone other resources are available to you. You may be able to reach them when they are young.

Often times family members and friends have no option but to ban the someone who uses crack from their lives in order to protect themselves and their asset from the addicted loved one. Many Grandparents end up caring for their grand children because the crack addicted parent can't feel a sense of accountability for their children.If your loved one is an adult they are much harder to reach if they have been using for more than 6 months. In salvage circles it is said that in order for someone to wake up and realize that they need to get clean that the pain of using has to become greater than the pain of not using. What looks like a bottom to a quarterly someone may be Mt. Everest to a someone who is using any substance. Depending on the addict and how far gone they are death maybe the only bottom they ever reach.

Women as well as men will trade demeaning sexual acts to get high. Prostitution is not uncommon among crack users. Many women resort to it so they can stay high.

The children of crack addicts are the most innocent and vulnerable victims of crack use in that at least they will be neglected left alone at all hours while their parents are out prostituting or committing other crimes to get drugs it is also not unheard of that children will be used for prostitution or easily sold to get drugs. When and if intervention on behalf of the children of crack addicts is implemented much damage has already been done to the child.

Although crack is said to not be physically addictive and withdrawal symptoms are not near as sever as withdrawal from alcohol and heroin the psychological addiction is very hard for an addict to break. It is my understanding that most crack addicts get clean on their own and that forced rehab can often cause deep resentments that give the addict the excuse they need to keep using. family members often try to find help for their addicted loved ones and end up getting crushed in the process. It seems addiction takes on a life of its own it is powerful, cunning, and baffling.

Law enforcement doesn't seem to have any deal with on the problem. Many people want help but cannot afford it. It is said that if the addict does not want help there is very small occasion that rehab will help. Sometimes being put in prison does help an addict but more times than not prison does not deter use because drugs are available in prison and I think it is totally ironic that the prison guards are bring the stuff in and have a side firm of selling drug to the inmates that often times yields an earnings that is greater than their salary.

There is a law that addicts are born not made. It is believable that their brains have low levels of safe bet hormones.  When a someone with this condition comes into contact with a substance that raises the hormone level to what for the rest of us would be a general level they loose all operate and manufacture it very difficult to want to go back to their own low although still general levels. The people who are working with this law believe the cure for addiction is to help the addict learn to live with their natural born hormone levels rather that try to alter them in anyway. I believe this is a good theory. Everyone else has to accept them self the way they are why not an addict?

Nobody plans on becoming a drug addict. I hope best solutions for a cure come about for societies sake and the sake of the addicts and the families that fall apart.

Thank you for reading this. God bless.

Crack Addiction - A Harsh Reality

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