November 13, 2011

Good Marketing Giveaways To Drive Traffic To Your Site

We all know the value of giveaways.

In the old days, visitors may subscribe to list after list after list to get the Free stuff that they were offering. Not to devalue the message that was being delivered - but mosf of the stuff that was being given away was crap. Webmasters were giving away e-books that were kicking around from 1999 (and some of them Still had the customary date/time stamp on them!). Your visitors are smart now, they don't want junk anymore.

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So what makes for a good giveaway? Something that is going to add value to the man that is getting it. If you're asking them for your e-mail address, then you great be providing good value on your website Or in your e-mails to the user. If you're giving them something good then it may be the hypothesize for them to stick around since you've in case,granted quality.

If your store niche is violins - then something connected to the niche would be beneficial. Maybe you've worked out a joint venture with a bricks and mortar firm and can offer a discount on a purchase? That would be unique.

Why not up what man else is doing? Everyone gives away e-books. The key is the potential of the product. If it is something fresh, and new then it will get gobbled up. But why not try something like a Cd? Maybe a Dvd? If you are offering a giveaway, offer something that is of low cost to you but of high value to the people you're giving it away to.

Look to the bricks and mortar world, they do extraordinary giveaways. Remember they spend millions on store research, and you can learn something from them. several months ago a local wireless operator was giving away "something". The representative gave you a magnet with a number on the back. You took it to their retail store (which just happened to be in the same shopping town they were giving the magent away at), spoke with their rep (you couldn't help but speak to man if you wanted to get your freebie) and they checked the number and you got something.

That something was a mouse pad with some cute fish on it. Many kids loved it - you could tell because as you walked through the mall practically every kid had one in their hand. Most people who I saw in the mall that day, all had kids with one of these mouse pads in their hand. Big fascinating smiling faces. Parents were happy, kids were happy. That giveaway worked. That mouse pad will be looked at every day by the kids, and their parents. Next time they want a cell phone, I bet you the wireless carrier will pop in their heads first before any other carrier in the area.

Many giveaways, no matter what firm yo are in needs to what it is you are doing, this makes the giveaway relavent to the individual. Why give them tips on parenting if your website is about car racing? any way if your website is about teaching children basic school concepts, then possibly tips on parenting to get your child to Study is a requisite bonus.

If your giveaway is good, then that man will tell their friends who are in the same situation. This will ensue in more people visiting your website and purchasing your products and considering you an authority on the topic. You've now got a viral giveaway - the best there is!

But you need to be cautious with what you are giving away.

Suppose you currently store a stock and it sells for and you all of a sudden start giving it away.

Not only have you diminished the value of the product, but you'll have upset those people along the way that purchased it. At the same time, you don't want to give away a stock that has a high perceived value or that can not be found elsewhere for free. Again it diminishes the value of the stock and may even do the same for your message.

Giveaways are great tool for marketing and building your list, and you should think about what you can give away that your visitors would consider as being requisite to them.

Good Marketing Giveaways To Drive Traffic To Your Site

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